United Nations                           A/79/79-E/2024/54


General Assembly

Economic and Social Council

General Assembly Economic and Social Council
Seventy-ninth session 2024 session
Item 18 of the preliminary list* 27 July 2023 – 24 July 2024
Sustainable development
High-level political forum on sustainable development, convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Report of the Secretary-General

In accordance with General Assembly resolution 70/1, the present report provides a global overview of progress made since 2015 towards the Sustainable Development Goals using inputs from more than 50 international and regional organizations. The data contained herein are based on the global indicator framework developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators, adopted by the General Assembly on 6 July 2017 (see Assembly resolution 71/313).

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

                 Progress towards gender equality is clearly off track.

Harmful practices like child marriage and female genital mutilation are decreasing, but not fast enough to keep pace with population growth. Gender parity, especially in women’s participation in public life and managerial roles, remains distant. At the current rate, achieving gender parity in managerial positions will take 176 years. Many women still lack control over their sexual and reproductive health, and violence against women persists. Urgent action is needed to challenge biased social norms, eliminate harmful practices, and change discriminatory laws. Increasing women’s leadership roles and investments in gender equality are crucial at national, regional, and global levels. • Target 5.1: Based on data collected in 2022 in 120 countries, 55% of the countries lacked non-discrimination laws that prohibit direct and indirect discrimination against women and half of the countries continued to lack quotas for women in the national parliament. • Target 5.3: o Globally, around 640 million girls and women were married before age 18, with India accounting for one-third. While progress has reduced child marriage, still, one in five young women (19%) are married before 18, down 22% in 2013. Despite averting 68 million child marriages in this period, the pace isn’t sufficient to eliminate the practice by 2030. o Over 230 million girls and women worldwide are estimated have undergone female genital mutilation as of 2024, an increase of 30 million compared to the last estimate in 2016. • Target 5.4: On an average day, women spend about 2.5 times as many hours in unpaid domestic and care work as men, according to the latest data between 2000 and 2022. • Target 5.5: Progress in women’s political participation remains slow. As of January 1, 2024, women held 26.9% of seats in national parliaments worldwide, marking a modest increase of 4.6 percentage points since 2015 (22.3%). In local governments, the participation was higher at 35.5% as of 1 January 2023. While global employment sees nearly 40% representation from women, they only held 27.5% of management positions in 2022, a notable decrease from 28.5% in 2021. • Target 5.a: In one in three of the 49 countries with data, less than 50% of women and men have ownership or secure rights over agricultural land. Furthermore, there is a notable disparity between women and men’s agricultural land ownership, with men owning land at least twice as often as women in almost half of the countries. Legal protections for women’s land rights are low or not existent in approximately 58% of the reporting countries. 10/26 A/79/79 E/2022/55 • Target 5.b: In 2023, 78% of the global population aged 10 and above owned a mobile phone. Women were approximately 8% less likely to own a mobile phone than men in 2023, a decrease from 10% in 2020. • Target 5.c: Data from 105 countries and areas for the period 2018–2021 show that 26% of countries globally have comprehensive systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality, 59% have some features of a system, and 15% do not have minimum elements of these systems.

Извор: WUNRN – 19.07.2024