• esem@esem.org.mk
  • Call Us: +389 (0) 2 3298 295; 3298 296
  • St. Maksim Gorki no. 20/1-4, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia



The progressive realization of social and economic rights depends on ensuring effective access to justice for marginalized and vulnerable groups in society.

We advocate for legal empowerment and the provision of paralegal assistance as an effective model to address the legal needs of marginalized and vulnerable groups.

We organize ongoing training for paralegals and provide advisory support, helping individuals exercise their rights to health care, social protection, access to the labor market, and other areas of social life.

Together with other CSOs, we advocate at local, national, and international levels to improve access to justice and address the specific needs of marginalized and vulnerable groups.


Globally, two-thirds of the population faces limited access to justice and the inability to resolve their everyday legal problems. In our country, half of the population faces at least one legal issue. The lack of financial resources, mistrust in institutions, and obstacles related to exercising legally provided rights prevent the effective resolution of citizens’ legal problems. Vulnerable groups, such as the poor, young people, women, the unemployed, and members of ethnic minorities, are in an even worse position, unable to resolve the growing legal issues they face. Civil society organizations (CSOs) have “traditionally” provided legal and paralegal assistance to various marginalized and vulnerable groups of citizens, helping to reduce this gap in access to justice. However, these organizations also face serious challenges regarding the continued provision of such assistance and their overall functioning. Insufficient financial support from the state, the lack of legal recognition for providing paralegal assistance, and the absence of continuous education for paralegals are the main problems CSOs working with marginalized and vulnerable groups encounter.


We promote legal empowerment and provide paralegal assistance and support as an effective model for addressing the legal needs of vulnerable groups of citizens

We promote legal empowerment and provide paralegal assistance and support as an effective model for addressing the legal needs of vulnerable groups of citizens. Our efforts focus on strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations to offer paralegal services within their communities. We conduct ongoing training for paralegals and offer advisory support to help individuals exercise their rights in areas such as health and social protection, the labor market, and other aspects of social life. Additionally, we assist in the establishment and improvement of systems for collecting data and managing cases, as well as supervising paralegals to enhance specific areas of their work.

We also promote legal education within local communities, increasing awareness of legally guaranteed rights

We also promote legal education within local communities, increasing awareness of legally guaranteed rights, and foster collaboration with the institutions responsible for ensuring these rights are fulfilled. Alongside other civil society organizations, we engage in continuous advocacy efforts at the local, national, and international levels to improve access to justice and address the particular needs of vulnerable citizens.


Transparent election and effective functioning of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination - basic prerequisites

ESE, in cooperation with the Network for Protection against Discrimination, organized a public debate on the topic “Transparent election and effective functioning of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination,” which emphasized the need for a transparent procedure in electing professional, independent, and non-partisan members for the Commission.


Links to media reports on the public debate “Transparent election and effective functioning of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination”:

– Telma, https://telma.com.mk/2020/12/14/civil-sector-bara-izbor-na-stru/

– MMS, https://mms.mk/187874/debata-transparenten-izbor-i-efekti/

-Opserver, https://opserver.mk/politika/debata-transparenten-izbor-i-efektivno-funcjoniranje-na-komisijata-za-sprechuvanje-i-zashtita-od-diskriminacija/

– MIA, https://mia.mk/debata-transparenten-izbor-i-efektivno-funkjonira-e-na-komisi-ata-za-sprechuva-ei-zashtita-od-diskriminaci-a/

Published on 14.12.2020.

There is an urgent need for the establishment of a Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination by the RNM Assembly

In the show “Top Tema” on TV Thelma, organized on the occasion of the delayed election of members of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, the representative of ESE informed the public about the Commission’s non-functionality over the last 18 months. They emphasized the necessity of organizing a public hearing with all stakeholders, during which the public would be informed about the registered candidates and their biographies. Following that, a proposed list for adoption by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia should be determined. ESE demanded that the selection of Commission members be based on legal criteria, respecting the principles of adequate representation of all social groups, the principle of fair and equal representation of community members, and gender-balanced participation.


Link to the appearance on the show “Top Tema” on TV Thelma about the election of the new members of Commission:  https://telma.com.mk/2020/12/22/top-tema-dali-partiski-kadri-će-se-vdo/ , published on 22.12.2020.

Independent and professional Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination and Ombudsman free from political influences

In 2020, media reports included a statement from a high-ranking representative of one of the ruling parties, which revealed the name of the potential future Ombudsman. Recognizing the importance of appointing an independent person who would carry out the duties of Ombudsman professionally, ESE advocated for a transparent selection process, eliminating political influence. ESE also emphasized the need for selecting independent and professional members for the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination.


Link to the guest appearance on Slobodna TV:

https://slobodna.tv/utrinskibriefing/mishev-od-ese-postoi-nedostatok-na-poli/, published on 30.10.2020.

What are the prerequisites for transparent, accountable, and effective operation of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination?

An animated video was prepared and promoted to highlight the prerequisites necessary for the implementation of the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, focusing on increasing transparency, accountability, and effectiveness in Commission’s work.


Link to the animated video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovdxJLM3AiE&t=168s, published on 20.01.2020.

Citizens testify about the discrimination they suffered and why the formation of Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination is necessary

A documentary video featuring three statements from citizens who were victims of discrimination based on sexual orientation, ethnicity, and health status was produced. The video was shared on social media to raise public awareness about discrimination and emphasize the urgent need for establishing KSZD.


Link to the documentary video with statements from discriminated citizens:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRSC0djI9GY&t=23s, published on 27.12.2019.


The approach of ESE –
Paralegal assistance and support


Paralegal assistance broke the ice between the institutions and the Roma community