• esem@esem.org.mk
  • Call Us: +389 (0) 2 3298 295; 3298 296
  • St. Maksim Gorki no. 20/1-4, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia


The Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women – ESE was founded in 1994 as the Humanitarian Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women – HA ESE, focusing its work on improving the status of women and increasing their representation in decision-making structures. In the early period, the association’s work was focused on addressing consequences of the transition period on the status of women in the state, with special attention on rural and marginalized women. Equity and equality comprise the backbone of ESE’s work, mirrored in its commitment to advocate for all women, irrespective of their religion, nationality or age.

In 1994, ESE implemented the project “Women and Education” by distributing textbooks to those who could not afford them. A series of projects followed in 1995 marking the start of changes in the society: “Women and Health” was intended for Roma and Albanian women; “Women and Media” allowed broader … read more



In 1998, the Humanitarian Association ESE was rebranded as the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women in the Republic of Macedonia, expanding its operation at national level. This was accompanied by development of the first set of three-year work programs for the periods… Read More



In this period, ESE was in the stage of implementing its fourth three-year program. Major steps were taken in the fight against domestic violence, grouped into two separate processes. In partnership with Akcija Zdruzenska… Read More



It could be said that this was the period in ESE’s work when innovative and new methodologies and approaches initiated in 2010 were finally established and practiced. Efforts to merge these methodologies and approaches continued and were further fortified. At the same time, work on providing support… Read More



This period holds great importance in respect to ESE’s work. In particular, it involved several processes aimed at strengthening capacity of the association and its staff members. The first set of annual programs were developed for the years 1997 and 1998, thereby setting the foundation for ESE’s … Read More



This was the period for the association to reap the fruits of its long-standing commitment and work. In particular, lobbying activities were crowned with adoption of specific legal solutions under the existing legislation on protection against domestic violence. Also, we earned broad recognition… Read More



In the period 2009-2012, ESE remained committed to its mission and vision. Namely, activities implemented in this period represented a continuation and upgrade to results and achievements made in the previous period, while introducing and applying new human rights… Read More



This was a period of continuous work towards attainment of strategic priorities, as well as promotion of activities, approaches and methods in order to upscale impact and achieve maximum results. ESE worked seriously and committedly on capacity building among citizens… Read More


2021 - 2024

ESE’s commitment to empowerment and engagement of citizens in processes for planning, implementation and evaluation of legislation, budgets and services under the social accountability and legal empowerment approach was crowned with the formation of the European Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health – COPASAH. On the account of absence of any relevant data, a survey research was conducted on utilization of primary healthcare services among Roma people and populations living in rural areas and about environmental risks and impact thereof on health and living conditions for Roma. For that purpose, we applied the social and behavioural change methodology to practicing healthy lifestyles and life-cycle immunization of adult population. We continued to gather evidence on citizens’ needs in respect to facilitated access to justice, focusing on detailed analysis of women who have suffered domestic violence, which means that, in addition to ensuring resolution of their legal needs, efforts were also geared towards issues related to child support and economic independence of these women. Significant effort was invested in developing ESE’s social enterprise branded as POGON. As regards taking action in cases of domestic violence, we cooperated with police officers and inspectors taking initial action in such cases. On the account of its efforts for promotion of fiscal transparency, ESE became part of the Europe Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group that have made significant contribution for improving civic engagement in the country and will continue to work together on promoting civic engagement across Europe (under the OGP process).