In the period October 2-3, 2024, with the support of the French Embassy in Skopje, ​​we organized training for journalists and representatives of Civil Society Organizations from the cities of Tetovo, Prilep and Kumanovo in order to improve the way of informing the public about topics related to domestic violence.

The opening address of the event was given by the deputy ambassador of France, Mr. Philippe Marcheteau, who emphasized the achievements so far in this field and the importance of this type of initiatives to increase the prevention of domestic violence. The training was attended by representatives of the organizations Women’s Forum, Majka and L.E.T. Station, as well as journalists from Tetovo Info, SDK.MK, TV Telma, Kumanovo News, OTV Prilep. Trainers were practitioners with extensive experience in working on this issue: Katina Pavlovska, clinical psychologist, Cena Chalovska, former advisor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Stojan Mihov, former judge in a basic criminal court and Mirko Trajanovski, journalist and communication expert.

The training contributed to the improvement of the knowledge of the participants about the nature of domestic violence and the legal protection mechanisms, as well as the way of preparing journalistic stories to adequately inform the public about issues related to domestic violence. An integral part of the event was the preparation of journalistic stories regarding the prevention of domestic violence, the economic dimension of violence and the livelihood of victims, protection mechanisms and individual stories of women who have suffered domestic violence. Through subsequent publication of prepared journalistic stories and improved public understanding of these issues, we want to contribute to increasing social support for women who have suffered domestic violence and encouraging them to seek help and support.

The training is organized within the project “”Unveil, Engage, Empower: Advocating Against Domestic Violence!” which we are implementing with financial support from the French Embassy in Skopje.