Direct Link to Full 61-Page UNESCO, UN WOMEN & SPOTLIGHT 2023 Publication: 3343_unwomen_unesco_vawg_handbook_6a_singlepage.pdf

Violence against women and girls continues to be one of the most pervasive human rights challenges in the world, with one in three women being a victim of violence. In sports, women and girls are faced with particular risks, combined with ineffective or inexistant prevention and response mechanisms. Yet, sport holds enormous potential to drive gender equality by improving the well-being of girls and women, and boosting their confidence and leadership skills. This handbook aims to create a shared understanding of the problem and support the development of effective policies to tackle violence against women and girls in sport. The subject matter includes: • A presentation of the prevalence and scope of the issue, and an analysis of the structure and key characteristics of the sports ecosystem • Testimonies from survivors and examples of abuse illustrating the depth of the problem and the urgent need for action • Case studies and tailored recommendations for key stakeholders on how to prevent violence, protect survivors and end impunity.

Извор: WUNRN – 04.09.2024