Direct Link to Full 57-Page 2024 Publication: 2024_03_UPR-Guide_ENGL.pdf (

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) stands as one of the primary human rights mechanisms within the United Nations. Instituted in March 2006 by the General Assembly Resolution 60/251 (A/RES/60/251) of the Human Rights Council (HRC), this periodic evaluation assesses all 193 UN Member States in cycles spanning approximately five years.

How can Civil Society Organisations engage with each UPR phase?

Preparation Submit reports to the OHCHR; Participate in public consultations on the official State report; Advocate/lobby for recommendations; Create impact by following recommendations. Interactive dialogue Attend or participate in the pre-sessions organized by UPR-Info; Adoption of recommendations Attend or organize side events during the Human Rights Council (HRC) session; Disseminate recommendations nationally. Implementation and Follow-Up Influence the State under Review on the adoption or rejection of recommendations; Present written, video, or oral statements at the HRC session. Monitor the implementation of recommendations by the State; Submit the mid-period report; Promote side events on the implementation of recommendations.

Извор: WUNRN – 23.05.2024