Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.






The Assembly is the highest authority to determine the general policy and strategic determinations of ESE. It is composed of individual and honorary members of ESE. The Assembly works in sessions and sits at least once during the calendar year. The Assembly works if the majority of the total number of members is present at the session and decides with a majority of the present members, unless the Statute provides for a special majority.



The Executive Board is the executive body of the Assembly. It is composed of five members, who have a mandate of 4 years with the right to re-election. The members of the EB are elected by the Assembly with a majority of the total number of members. The Executive Board performs and decides on the activities determined by the Assembly with the general policy and strategic determinations of ESE, approves the organizational structure of ESE, decides on the assets, appoints the Executive Director, etc. The Executive Board works in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and meets twice a year or more often, if necessary.




The Executive Office carries out the tasks and duties provided for by the general policy, strategic commitments and annual programs and financial plans of ESE. The organization and work of the executive office is regulated by acts adopted by the Executive Board. The Executive Office is managed by the Executive Director and two Deputy Executive Directors for Program and Financial Operations. The Executive Director represents the association and is responsible for the work to the Executive Board.


Members of the executive office

Jasminka Frishchik

Executive director

Jasminka is part of the team of ESE since 1996. Jasminka holds the position of Executive director of ESE since 1998, where previously she worked as coordinator of the legal program. She graduated from the Faculty of Law “Justinijan Prvi” in Skopje, and currently is taking the postgraduate studies in the field of Development of civil society at the University of South-East Europe. Being the Executive director of ESE, Jasminka works in several areas, such as: promotion of women’s human rights and concept of gender equality; promotion of the concept of  monitoring and analysis of budgets on national and local level; analysis and monitoring the extent of implementation  of international documents on human rights; promotion of human rights in health care; promotion and development of legal, paralegal and other types of services for protection of the right to health, in particular the right to health of Roma, etc.

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+389 (0)2 3298 295

D-r Borjan Pavlovski

Coordinator for Public health and women’s health

Borjan is part of the team of ESE since 2004. He coordinates Public health and women’s health related activities. He graduated from the Medical Faculty in Skopje, on the department for general medicine, and currently he is taking the postgraduate studies on public health at the same university. He also completed an international postgraduate course on management of health systems and fight against poverty – social and health methodologies for development. He has previous work experience as assistant and coordinator of health programs. Nowadays, as part of the team of ESE he works on the promotion and advocacy for: promotion of women’s health and health of marginalized communities with focus on Roma people; promotion of the access to health services for women and marginalized groups with focus on Roma people; realization of rights in the sphere of health and human rights, in general, for women and marginalized groups; improvement of budget transparency of health institutions and increasing their efficiency in the implementation of measures for preventive health care and use of funds from the budgets on national and local level.

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+389 (0)2 3298 295 ext. 102

MA Darko Antik

Coordinator for Monitoring and analysis of budgets

Darko is part of the team of ESE since 2011. He coordinates activities related to monitoring and analysis of budgets. He was awarded a Master degree from the Faculty of law “Justinijan Prvi” in Skopje, department for finances and financial law on the topic “Legal aspects of financing the public debt from national resources in RM”, and graduated from the Faculty of economy in Skopje, department for financial management on the topic “Analysis of the degree of trust of the population in the banking sector in RM”. He has previous work experience in the field of finances. At present, as part of the team of ESE, Darko works on promotion and advocacy for: necessity for creation of public budgets that ensure meeting the needs of all citizens equally; planning and use of budget funds by respecting the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and transparency; financially transparent and accountable state administration; participatory and open budget processes; consistent implementation of health policies and programs etc.

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+389 (0)2 3298 295 ext. 102

Stojan Mishev

Coordinator for Human rights monitoring and Provision of legal and psychological aid

Stojan is part of the team of ESE since 2003.  He graduated from the Faculty of Law “Justinijan Prvi” from Skopje and currently is attending postgraduate studies at the same university, at the department for criminal law. In the period of 2010-2012 he worked in the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights on the field of promotion of Human rights based approach in decision making processes and development of strategies for poverty reduction and social inclusion of poor and vulnerable on local level. Nowadays, as part of the team of ESE he works on promotion and advocacy for: promotion of women’s human rights and gender equality; improvement of the status of women who are victims of domestic violence and the system for their protection; analysis and monitoring the extent of implementation  of international documents on human rights; promotion and development of legal, paralegal and other types of services for protection of the right to health, in particular the right to health of Roma, etc.

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+389 (0)2 3298 29

Jane Veleski

Administrative assistant, finances and logistics

Jane is part of the team of ESE since 2000. He works as an assistant for administrative-financial operations and logistics. As part of the team, he is responsible for the realization of administrative and financial activities of the organization; communication with banks, institutions and donors; ensuring the normal everyday functioning of the organization; system maintenance; design and updating the organization’s websites and design and preparation of materials.

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+389 (0)2 3298 295 

Delfina Todorovska

Аssistant for Provision of legal and psychological aid

Delfina is part of the team of ESE since 2017. She works as assistant on provision of legal and psychological aid to women victims of domestic violence. She graduated from the Faculty of law “Justinijan Prvi” from Skopje. At present, as part of the team of ESE, she works on: promotion of measures for protection of women victims of domestic violence and gender discrimination; alleviating the access of vulnerable categories of women to the basic measures for protection from domestic violence and discrimination against women and provision of legal assistance and support to women who are victims of violence and other vulnerable categories of women.

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+389 (0)2 3117 866












Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre