Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




What we do





Citizens’ Participation in Processes on Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Legal Regulations, Budgets and Services in the Field of Social and Economic Rights

Equal Access to Justice


Improved Fiscal Transparency of Institutions in the Field of Social and Economic Rights

Citizens’ participation enables development of budgets and policies that are based on the population’s actual needs, and guarantees adequate implementation thereof. By involving citizens in these processes, in particular marginalized population groups, the state would be able to deliver its commitment under the UN Sustainable Development Goals whereby “no one should be left behind” in exercise of citizens’ social and economic rights.


The progressive exercise of social and economic rights is closely related to promotion and establishment of effective access to justice for marginalized and vulnerable population groups in the society.


Fiscal transparency is used as means to promote public sector governance, strengthen citizens’ voice to influence decisions that affect them, and ensure unhindered access to and exercise of social and economic rights for citizens.














Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre