Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Strategic priority 2: To ensure equal access to justice in the field of social and economic rights

We will empower people and poor and vulnerable communities to take active role in solving their justice problems, and support the implementation of cost-effective alternatives that will help them to resolve their unmet justice needs. ESE will continue to strengthen the capacities of CSO’s providers of legal and paralegal services and promote the concept of community paralegals as informal mechanism of provision of legal aid to enable access to justice to poor, marginalized and vulnerable in our society.

We will collect people – centered justice data and provide evidence to facilitate access to justice for poor and vulnerable, by stressing their needs in the policy making. We will advocate for resolving the justice problems that matter the most to people and have their voice heard as users of justice. We will demand elimination of all the barriers in accessing justice and increased state support to CSO’s for addressing the legal needs of poor and vulnerable groups.

We will promote and provide access to specialized people centered justice services for vulnerable groups of women, such as women that suffered domestic violence. We will empower and encourage them to use court procedures for their protection and at the same time work together with the courts in order to improve the responsiveness and effectiveness of the court protection provided.

We will support the work of the formal justice institutions that play a frontline role in delivering justice and address their needs when delivering justice. We will develop methodologies and instruments for measuring their transparency, accountability and effectiveness, as deliverers of justice.  We strive to strengthen the judiciary, in order to improve legal predictability and to ensure fair and timely proceedings.













Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre