Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Gender Equality & Fragility - Development Finance To Eliminate Gender-Based Violence

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Gender equality and fragility ( – 36 Pages


Gender equality and fragility are inextricably linked. Addressing issues of gender inequality in fragile contexts requires systematic approaches that work through the complexity of fragility. It requires contextual understanding of social norms, political sensitivities, environmental concerns, and other risks that continue to perpetuate fragility. The OECD Fragility Framework provides pathways to address those inequalities and to further understand the relevance of gender within each dimension. An analysis of gender equality within the fragility framewo


Bridging the Gender Digital Divide

“Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but also one of the essential building blocks for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world”. This is how the United Nations describes Sustainable Development Goal 5, which aims to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.


THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION: Implications for Gender Equality and Women’s Rights 25 Years after Beijing - 38 Pages



2022 State of Civil Society Report - Gender

Direct Link to Full 54-Page CIVICUS 2022 Report:

The report identifies five key current trends of global significance:

  1. Rising costs of fuel and food are spurring public anger and protests at economic mismanagement
  2. Democracy is under assault but positive changes are still being won
  3. Advances are being made in fighting social inequality despite attacks
  4. Civil society is keeping up the pressure for climate action
  5. Current crises are exposing the inadequacies of the international governance system

Source: WUNRN – 24.07.2022

Gender Equality Attitudes Study 2022: The Levers of Change

The UN Women Gender Equality Attitude Study adopted a two-phase approach:

  1. Pilot phase: The report for this phase (Gender Equality Attitude Study. Are you ready for Change 2019) was published in 2020.
  2. Full pledged study: This is the new report and it includes:
  1. The report 2022 itself available at:
  2. The dashboard (updated version with the two reports embedded) available at UN Women’s Global Data Hub at:




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