Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




How to Work with Violent Men, Perpetrators, on Cyber Violence

European Network for the Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence

Direct Link to Full 28-Page Manual:  How_To_Cyber_Violence.pdf (

Perpetrator work is an important element of combating and preventing violence against women. It is grounded in the fundamental belief that men who have used violence towards their (ex-) partners can change – by acknowledging the harm they have caused and taking responsibility for their past and future actions.The objective of perpetrator programmes is to increase safety and well-being for women and children by interrupting the violent behaviour, increasing men’s self-reflective skills, supporting the men in developing non-violent coping strategies, and monitoring the risk levels of perpetrators for their ex-partners and children.

Source: WUNRN – 10.02.2023




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