Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




Activities in the framework of the Baseline research about the health status and health rights of Roma in Republic of Macedonia

The Association ESE is conducting this research in order to assess the health status of the Roma community, the access to health care and the situation with regard to the respect of human rights of the Roma compared to the non-Roma population that lives in the proximity of Roma settlements.

There is an ongoing field survey that includes 650 Roma respondents and 650 respondents from the other ethnic communities that live in the proximity of the Roma settlements. The survey is carried out in the following municipalities: Suto Orizari, Karpos, Gorce Petrov, Tetovo, Kumanovo, Bitola, Shtip, Delcevo, Pehcevo and Vinica. The field survey is carried out by 18 pollsters, who previously received training about the survey.


ЕSE joined the protest against the adoption of the proposal for a Law on Abortion

ESE supported the protest held in front of the Assembly of RM on 06.06.2013, which was joined by hundreds of representatives of the civil sector in R.Macedonia. The protest was held against the decision of the Assembly of Republic of  Macedonia to adopt the proposal for a law on abortion in a shortened procedure. The civic organizations requested a complete withdrawal of the law and establishment of working bodies which will be joined by civic organizations and women for joint drafting of the law.

Fierce debate about the Law on Abortion inside the Assembly building, and whistling and protest outside. For the minister of health, Nikola Todorov, the law is good – it protects woman’s health and shall not be subjected to changes.

The opposition requested urgent withdrawal of the disputable law that violates the basic rights of the woman. In their view, a new law is needed, however, under the magnifying glass of the experts and the non-governmental sector. 


54 седница на Комитетот за елиминирање на сите форми на дискриминација врз жените

Здружението за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените на РМ-ЕСЕ и Здружението Акција Здруженска, следејќи ја праксата на постојан мониторинг на женските човекови права и известување за состојбите пред соодветните меѓународни и регионални тела, подготвија извештај во сенка кон Конвенцијата за елиминирање на сите форми на дискриминација врз жените (КЕДЖ)  и земаа учество на 54 седница, каде ги презентираа состојбите во земјава. Ова е втор пат Република Македонија да известува пред овој Комитет, задолжен за следење на имплементацијата на прогресот  на полето на родовата еднаквост и дискриминација врз жената. Извештајот во сенка беше подготвен со помош и соработка на дванаесет граѓански организации.

Соопштение за медиуми.pdf

Republic of Macedonia - Shadow Report on CEDAW.pdf

Statement Republic of Macedonia-Association ESE and AZ.pdf

Известување на РМ пред CEDAW комитетот.pdf

Известување на граѓански организации пред CEDAW комитетот.pdf


ЕSE joined the protest of the civic organizations and requested from the Minister of health and other competent institutions to urgently withdraw the proposal for a Law on Abortion

ESE joined the protest of several civic organizations who publicly protested on 29.05.2013 in front of the Assembly of RM against the placement of the proposal for a Law on Abortion on the agenda for adoption in shortened procedure.

The attempt for adoption of a new law in a shortened procedure, without having conducted an extensive and public hearing with the general public and experts, as well as with civic organizations that work in the area of female human rights and human rights, in general, once again confirmed the practice of producing laws and policies without having taken into consideration the needs of women and moreover the consequences that these solution can have in the long and in the short run.

Furthermore, the proposal for a law also affects the area of reproductive rights of the woman, i.e. freedom and right to independently decide about herself and her life. The draft law includes solutions that limit and complicate the manner of abortion, and promote certain procedures which are  in the spirit of the current policy of the Government for promotion of multi-child family.


The value of the CEDAW Convention and the adopted General recommendations of the Committee regarding the achievement of gender equality in Republic of Macedonia

The Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women in RM – ESE in cooperation with IWRAW - International Women’s Right Action Watch Asia Pacific,  during the period from 15 to 17 May 2013 organized a three-day workshop on the topic: “The use of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) and the adopted General Recommendations of the Committee with regard to the achievement of gender equality in Republic of Macedonia”. The workshop was aimed for the civic organizations that work in the area of human rights promotion, in particular the promotion of women’s human rights and achievement of gender equality.

This workshop is part of the activities that ESE undertakes in the area of monitoring the women’s human rights and independent reporting about the situation to the respective international bodies, in particular in front of the UN Committee that monitors the implementation of the CEDAW Convention. Namely, at the 54-th session of the Committee held this year, Republic of Macedonia submitted report regarding the implementation of the provisions from the Convention (fourth and fifth report), whereas ESE and Akcija Zdruzenska reported about the situation on the basis of the prepared shadow report. The shadow report was prepared with the assistance and cooperation of twenty civic organizations.




Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre