Association ESE


   Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women.




We provide direct support for resolution of problems faced by women who suffered domestic violence

In January we provided legal aid and psychological counseling to 24 women who suffered domestic violence beneficiaries of Legal Aid Center (LAC), for protection against domestic violence and resolution of the most common legal problems they faced, such as divorce, custody, child support, property division, and the realization of social protection rights.  Some of the women faced specific challenges regarding compliance with decisions of the Social Work Center (SWC) regarding the regulation of parental rights, due to the refusal of children to contact the other parent (the father). In such situations, the women themselves were held accountable and criminal proceedings were initiated against some of them for the offense of "Seizure of a minor" (Article 198  of the Criminal Code). To address these legal problems, legal advice was provided regarding the initiation and progress of civil and criminal court proceedings for protection from domestic violence, as well as other court and administrative procedures in front of competent authorities. A total of 55 individual consultations with a lawyer were organized, and 21 written submissions were prepared in proceedings for divorce (6), custody (4), child support (3), criminal cases (3), and property disputes (2), and realization of social protection rights (3). We provided legal representation in a criminal proceeding for one client, and one client was financially supported for the payment of court costs in a civil court procedure for compensation for non-material damage suffered as a result of domestic violence. Psychological counseling was provided by a professional psychologist for 6 women.



Domestic Violence

Health Rights

Fiscal Transparency

Legal Aid Center

Health Information Centre