“Violence against women and girls continues to rise, online and offline. One of the most prevalent and serious human rights violations across Europe and beyond, it is deeply rooted in gender stereotypes and patriarchal beliefs. Women’s human rights are under attack in many places and are always fragile when democracy is under threat,” declared PACE President Theodoros Rousopoulos on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November).

“We must step up our efforts to achieve equal rights for all in everyday life if we are to put an end to violence against women and girls. Men and boys can play an important part in ending gender-based violence, as agents of change, by speaking out against harmful practices and by acting as role models in challenging sexism”, the President stressed.

“2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention. The Parliamentary Assembly and its Network Women Free from Violence continue to promote its ratification and effective implementation,” underlined the Assembly’s General Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Etilda Gjonaj (Albania, SOC).

“We join the theme of this year’s UN campaign, #NoExcuse, which highlights that one woman is killed every 11 minutes worldwide. We must unite to draw attention to the escalation of violence against women, strengthen commitments, improve accountability and protect victims”, she further emphasised. “As leaders, we must set an example, and pass on our experiences to tomorrow’s champions.”

“Women and girls in all their diversity are subjected to gender-based violence at home, in the workplace, in public places, online, and through technology. Action is needed across all sectors to prevent and combat violence against women human rights defenders, women in politics, young women and girls, women in the media, LBQ women, migrant women, older women, women with disabilities, Roma women… and the list continues. No-one must be left behind and unprotected,” declared the President.

“We will continue working with national parliaments, civil society, public bodies and international partners to address and dismantle the root causes of gender-based violence and empower women and girls, with the active involvement and support of men and boys. Only through such action do we stand a chance of ending violence and achieving inclusive and equal societies,” he concluded.

