In the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2024, it’s essential to recognize how vulnerable groups—such as women, ethnic minorities, rural populations, and low-income individuals—are affected across key areas of governance, justice, and security. Here’s a deeper look at the impact on these groups in North Macedonia:

  1. Constraints on Government Powers – Vulnerable Group Impact

  • Legislative and Judicial Limits: Limited oversight and weak checks on government powers often affect vulnerable groups more intensely. Strengthening judicial independence and enhancing CSO advocacy for marginalized communities—such as the Roma community—would provide better mechanisms for these groups to seek justice.
  1. Absence of Corruption – Impact on Vulnerable Groups
  • Public Services and Corruption: Corruption in social services disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, such as those relying on welfare and social assistance. Anti-corruption reforms aimed at social welfare programs—like those in Bulgaria—could ensure fair access to resources for marginalized communities.
  1. Open Government – Impact on Vulnerable Groups
  • Access to Information: Vulnerable groups, especially rural populations and the elderly, often face barriers to accessing information about government services. Simplifying government documents and providing them in multiple languages, such as for Roma and Albanian-speaking communities, could break down these barriers.
  1. Fundamental Rights – Vulnerable Group Impact
  • Freedom from Discrimination: Discrimination remains a key issue for women, Roma, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Strengthening anti-discrimination laws and ensuring their strict enforcement could help safeguard the rights of these marginalized groups. Targeted labor rights programs, as seen in Turkey, could also support fair treatment in the workplace.
  1. Order and Security – Vulnerable Group Impact
  • Protection from Crime and Abuse: Vulnerable groups, especially women and children in rural areas, often face unequal access to protection services. Expanding community policing models and improving coordination with social services, as demonstrated in Portugal, could provide better protection from domestic violence and other threats.
  1. Regulatory Enforcement – Vulnerable Group Impact
  • Environmental and Health Regulations: Vulnerable communities in rural areas, particularly Roma populations, are disproportionately exposed to hazardous environmental conditions. Strengthening environmental regulations and public health protections could greatly benefit these communities.
  1. Civil Justice – Vulnerable Group Impact
  • Access to Legal Services: Vulnerable groups, particularly in rural areas, face barriers in accessing civil justice due to high costs and distance from legal services. Expanding mobile legal clinics—as seen in Kenya—could help bring justice closer to those most in need.
  1. Criminal Justice – Vulnerable Group Impact
  • Protection for Ethnic Minorities: Disparities in policing and criminal justice for ethnic minorities—including Roma and Albanian communities—highlight the need for anti-discrimination training in law enforcement, as modeled in Hungary’s Roma rights initiatives.

As we continue to examine the rule of law in North Macedonia, it’s critical to recognize how these issues disproportionately affect vulnerable groups. Reforms that focus on protecting the rights of marginalized populations will help create a more just and equitable society.

For further details on how North Macedonia can address these challenges, visit: WJP Rule of Law Index 2024.

Stay connected as we continue to explore ways to empower vulnerable communities! 🌍📊